Starting your business is hard.
Being an entrepreneur is hard.
Making your vision come to life is hard.
But, you know what's even harder than all of the above? NOT doing it at all!
When it comes to pushing your mission in life forward, you'll likely come across a lot of bumps, mountains and waters that make you feel like you're crazy. You may encounter people who don't support your mission (yet) and you may feel anxious about what could happen if it does come to life. Trust us, we get it!
The most beautiful thing about this journey is that when you start treating it like a marathon and not a race, you can also build a lot of really cool life skills, friendships and experiences that no other opportunity would bring you.
1. Make room for yourself.
Starting a business can feel like you're raising a baby. Don't forget to take time for yourself and carve out space in your life to actually live your life. Yes, that's a thing!

2. Treat yourself like you treat your business
Take care of yourself by creating self-care rituals and time-outs to recharge and slow down. Practicing this skill is crucial in building your energy back up and creating a life of momentum and power.
3. Continue to audit your life and get rid of anything no longer serving you
It's good to continue auditing your life and organizing your space. What may work for you now doesn't have to work for you next week or in three months. Give yourself permission to change your mind and changing it often.
Cultivating self love while growing your business can be difficult. Remember to find patience and balance while you shoot for the stars.
We can't wait to see what you accomplish!