Multitasky 2021: A Year in Review

Multitasky grew from a simple dream. To support multi-passionate, go-getter women with (fun)ctional office supplies that inspire creativity. And now, one year in, we look at how far we’ve come and lose our words. It has been a heck of a journey. So take a minute out of your day today and take a trip down memory lane with us as we revisit some of our favorite moments.

Our founder, Julia Xu, is an ex-corporate entrepreneur who believes with every fiber of her being that you can be more than one thing. And creating your multi-passionate life starts with an inspiring workspace. But here’s the issue...she couldn’t seem to find cute office supplies that were actually useful. It was either adorable clutter or emotionless ballpoint pens. Where’s the happy medium? That sense of wonder gave her the spark she needed to bring Multitasky to life.

Christmas 2020. As if 2020 wasn’t already a hectic year. Julia had just started her new company and it BLEW UP. Orders were flying in. At the time, she was a digital nomad, living in a cabin and fulfilling every order with her own two hands. She remembers pulling all nighters to fulfill over 400 holiday orders. There was a blizzard and she ran out of padded envelopes, so her very determined boyfriend took to the streets to help her find some. She looks back on this time and laughs but also says ‘never again’ with a serious look in her eyes.

And she was serious. Multitasky continued to expand. With more products and consistent orders, Julia invested in a warehouse. No more fulfilling items one-by-one from a random cabin in the woods. This is when things started to feel super real for our growing e-commerce brand.

With more inventory, comes more teammates! The Multitasky team consists of go-getter female entrepreneurs who love supporting other multi-passionate women. That’s when this copywriter, who also happens to be your narrator for this blog post, joined the squad. Julia also hired help for social media, PR, fulfillment, and SEO (to name a few).
Through open communication, happy hours, and playing to everyone’s strengths, Julia built a power squad of women. Because the truth is, Multitasky was getting way too big for Julia to do everything by herself. She knew she needed help. And from this, she decided she was going to let her team shape their roles to fit their strengths. This is one of the reasons that Multitasky could position itself to become a powerhouse company.

Teamwork. Growth. All of the stars were aligned for Multitasky to go big. We got featured in publications like CNN, Buzzfeed, Cosmopolitan, Seventeen, The Skimm, and USA Today. And yes, we totally popped open the bubbly drinks and celebrated these huge wins for our little team.

After we received publicity, we grew like crazy. Now, we have hundreds of SKUs and are constantly adding new products to our collection. Every time Julia finds an adorable, functional office supply, the entire team can’t wait to start showing it to our community.

When buzz got around, Urban Outfitters started carrying our products. We also sell on Amazon. By partnering up with these two giants, we’re able to reach even more female go-getters.

We had a heck of a year. When it comes to the next steps, we’re looking to you, our community. You are the people that got us here with your endless support and incredible energy. Expect more office supplies, more inspirational content, and more multi-passionate approved aspirations around here.
Because the truth is, it’s been a wild year. We’re going to take a little time to ourselves to relax this holiday season (not fulfillment squad ;)) then we’ll charge into January with fresh, new ideas to show you. We encourage you to do the same so you can enter 2022 feeling refreshed and ready to go.
We can’t wait to show you what’s next!